Single choice filter
import { Accordions } from "@overdog/fn"
new Accordions(".accordions-group-wrapper", {
// your options here - see options below
If you are using multiple elements from Overdog FN that require the same variants, you only need to add them once. You can also modify the data attributes added to each function using the attributes
parameter {}.
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
plugin(function ({ addVariant }) {
addVariant("is-open", "&[data-fn-is-open]")
addVariant("parent-is-open", "[data-fn-is-open] &")
{% block accordionsHeading %} - use with embed to override the title block
{% block accordionsContent %} - use with embed to override the content block
{# You probably want to change this array for a Craft CMS query #}
{% set contentArray = [
{ content: "Oh yeah!", title: "Hello, this is an accordion" },
{ content: "Hum, not really.", title: "Wait, are you sure?" }
Example targetPrefix
You can set a value as a prefix for targetPrefix outside your for loop
Useful in matrix blocks
{% set targetPrefix = "demo-" %}
{% if contentArray|length %}
<div class="accordions-group-wrapper">{# your wrapper classes - used when you create your JS instance #}
{% for item in contentArray %}
{# edit the target to fit your needs #}
{% set target = targetPrefix is defined ? targetPrefix ~ loop.index : loop.index %}
{# content #}
<div class="mb-4" data-fn-accordion>
class="bg-white border border-slate-300 block p-4 text-left w-full parent-is-open:bg-gray-300"
data-fn-target="ac-{{ target }}"
aria-controls="ac-{{ target }}"
{%- block accordionsHeading %}{# override with embed if needed #}
{% if item.title %}{{ item.title }}{% endif %}
{% endblock -%}
<div id="ac-{{ target }}" class="h-0 overflow-hidden transition-height duration-300">{# do not style this div #}
<div class="py-4">
{%- block accordionsContent %}{# override with embed if needed #}
{% if item.content %}
<div>{{ item.content }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endblock -%}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}