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Menu 4-panel

This 4-panel menu transforms into sliding panels on mobile, making it ideal for content-heavy websites. Each panel is activated using a data-submenu attribute and an ID, allowing you to easily modify your HTML structure while maintaining the logic.



Import the function into the JavaScript file of your project

import { MenuFourPanel } from "@overdog/fn"

Create and initialize an instance

new MenuFourPanel("#menu-four-panel", {
   // your options goes here

Add the Tailwind variants to the plugins section of your config file.

If you are using multiple elements from Overdog FN that require the same variants, you only need to add them once. You can also modify the data attributes added to each function using the attributes parameter {}.

module.exports = {
   // ...
   plugins: [
      plugin(function ({ addVariant }) {
         addVariant("is-open", "&[data-fn-is-open]")
         addVariant("parent-is-open", "[data-fn-is-open] &")
Note: If you want a mega-nav like in the example, don't forget to also import the mega-nav and add the corresponding Tailwind CSS variants. Refer to the Mega-Nav section for details

Twig template Code

Example based on a Craft CMS structure with multiples levels
You can use it with any content modeling 
(categories, global entries field, etc.)

{% set pages = craft.entries.section('structurePets').all() %}

<div class="relative w-full h-16 z-40 bg-blue-500">
   <div id="nav-buttons-group" class="container flex items-center h-full justify-end z-50 text-6">
         class="rounded-full bg-white h-10 w-10"  
         aria-label="Button 1" 
      class="fixed z-30 top-0 left-0 w-full h-full -translate-y-full overflow-y-scroll overflow-x-hidden bg-[#dcdee6]
      nav-open-1:translate-y-0 nav-open-1:transition-transform nav-open-1:duration-300 nav-open-1:ease-nav-in"
   {% if pages|length %}
      <div id="menu-four-panel" class="w-full mx-auto md:w-[90%] h-full px-[20px] relative" role="navigation" aria-label="{{ 'Main menu'|t }}">
         {# this UL is main menu level 1 #}
            class="absolute left-0 min-h-full w-full md:w-1/4 pt-44 pb-4 px-[20px]"
         {% nav page in pages %}
            <li data-fn-menu-item role="none">
               {% ifchildren %}
                  id="menu-button-{{ loop.index }}"
                  data-fn-submenu="submenu-{{ loop.index }}"
                  data-fn-menu-button="button-{{ loop.index }}"
                  class="items-center flex justify-between px-4 py-2 w-full after:content-['ยป'] after:shrink-0 after:text-0.7em is-open:bg-[#fff]"
                  {{ page.title }}
               {# this UL is submenu level 2-3-4 #}
                  id="submenu-{{ loop.index }}" 
                  class="absolute top-0 pt-44 pb-12 px-[20px] min-h-full bg-[#fff] w-[calc(100%-20px)] border-l border-[#e3e3e3]
                  translate-x-full transition-transform
                  md:bg-transparent md:w-full md:left-full md:transform-none md:hidden md:border-0
                  md:is-open:block md:is-open:animate-fade-in md:is-open:transform-none"
                  {# mobile back button for sliding panels #}
                  <li data-fn-menu-item role="none">
                        data-fn-submenu="submenu-{{ loop.index }}" 
                        data-fn-menu-back="menu-button-{{ loop.index }}" 
                        class="bg-[#e3e3e3] mb-1 px-4 py-2 md:hidden">
                        {{ 'Back'|t }}
                  {# Repeat the markup inside nav tag for all sub-levels item in the query #}
                  {% children %}
               {% endifchildren %}
               {# if page has no descendants - show a url instead of a parent button #}
               {% if page.hasDescendants() == false %}
                     class="items-center flex justify-between px-4 py-2 w-full" 
                     href="{{ page.url }}">
                     {{ page.title }}
               {% endif %}
         {% endnav %}
   {% endif %}
